Tuesday 17 June 2014

monster eats man

This is my finished video, i had to make the story different because i didn't have a  lot of time left to make the full video i wanted in the beginning.


Im happy with the outcome of my video but i know i could've done much better. Whilst making the video the art i enjoyed the most was creating the characters. this experience has taught me how to use the 'iMovie' editing software and also how to use 'iStopMotion' to film the video. The only problem i had was me not showing up to enough lessons. If I was ever to do this again i would change everything thing, the plot wasn't very good and the film itself was very jumpy as it was rushed. the only thing i would change about the characters is that i would clean them up and ad some new ones

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Tuesday 25 February 2014

today i've created a dagger and a sword for my main characters, i will start animating next week

Tuesday 28 January 2014

today i've created some weapons for my characters, one of them got a spear and two of them will be getting swords

Tuesday 21 January 2014

today i added more to my storyboard and developed my idea on how it will turn out

Tuesday 14 January 2014

i have chosen the theme for my animation, it will be the monster i created joined by two small people and they will be fighting a devil. This battle will take place in a colosseum (images will be added next week).

Tuesday 10 December 2013

movie with audio

this is my original claymation, but added some audio to it. its almost finished now, i need to added a title screen and credits and i will be finished.

i used garage band to add the audio, this made it very easy and fast.

 my movie was too long for the song so i had to slightly loop it. i did this by dragging from the top right corner of the track to the end of the movie.